/* TEAM */ Creator: Propeller Graphic Design & Marketing URL: https://propellerglobal.com/ Description: Propeller offer the full spectrum of marketing, design, web, social media & print-based services, from a simple business card or press advertisement to full corporate branding packages, brochures, magazines & banners, annual reports, media and communications. Propeller are recognised as one of Australia’s most respected web design & development studio’s, designing websites to suit all needs & budgets from simple single pages to large-scale corporate & e-commerce sites. Propeller specialise in the CraftCMS Content Management Systems and Shopify. Propeller build to strict SEO and technical best-practices in responsive mobile design resulting in highly-ranking, high performance showcases for your business. In addition to winning the McFarlane Prize for excellence in Australian Web Design, Propeller also reached the finals of consecutive years' Australian Web Awards over multiple categories at both regional and national levels. /* THANKS */ CraftCMS - https://craftcms.com Pixel & Tonic - https://pixelandtonic.com /* SITE */ Standards: HTML5, CSS3 Components: Craft CMS 3, Yii2, PHP, JavaScript, SEOmatic